Chapter 47

IN THE DEMON'S world, Edward was arranging the formation of the orcs alongside Andrago.

"The blood moon is imminent. This time, we will score a major victory against the humans!" Andrago roared and the orcs roared back as they lifted their arms. Edward smiled as he took his leave. He walked till he got to a cemetery. He walked through the cemetery then sat in front of a gravestone.

"She would be glad to know that you were back and helping out," Andrago walked up behind him and placed his hands on Edward's shoulder.

"The Orc division will take the greatest glory in this blood moon. I'll make sure of that," Edward replied.

"The confidence they have in their skills is all thanks to you, Azaskiel. I am grateful. You truly are the greatest commander we've ever had. I couldn't compare," Andrago smiled.

"I really wished you agreed to share the knowledge with other divisions," He added.