Chapter 68


Su's eyes were closed and she entered a profound state of unconsciousness. She felt as though she was actively drowning in a crystal-clear sea and has no power to stop it.

"I am trying my best! Why isn't it working!" These words echoed around her.

"Where am I?" She spoke weakly.

"It hurts, It's frustrating,"

"Did I lose?"

"I am weak! I can't keep my promise to you."

"Whose voice is that?"

"I can't protect anyone. I have failed you papa."

"Oh, that's mine. The self-loathing. I guess I actually did lose. No matter how far I go, there will always be a wall I can't overcome. I thought I had made peace with that. I thought I was going to give my all regardless of that fact and move on with my head held high...So why do I feel this pathetic? Why do these words echo in my head?"

From behind her, a faint yellow light emerged, illuminating the entire space she was falling into.