Train To Busan

Must not eat... Must not drink.

Must not eat... Must not drink.

Just like the many others now seated in the space, Myu began chanting an original mantra made up just now.

Everyone told him that if he ate his popcorn or drank his energy drink now, then when the doors finally opened, he would regret it with all his heart.

Seeing Leisho, Nianzu, and the rest also proactive the hardest resilience they had ever faced, Myu didn't want to give in.

But damn!

Why was it so hard?


His belly never grumbled for hundreds and hundreds of years.

Yet, the Park foods and drinks had evoked its wild side.

Myu parched his throat with his saliva, almost drooling with every passing second.

This has got to be some sort of torture, right?

His hands moved across his large bag of popcorn severally as though enticed by the mesmerizing aroma.

Everyone's cheeks began to tremble as they forced themselves to persevere.