Chapter 9


After that breakfast I had with Leonardo, I hadn't set my eyes again on him for up to a week. It seemed like he just vanished into thin air.

I had gone upstairs after having breakfast with him and sat by myself in the my bedroom-- or should I call it a prison cage. I didn't come out again until evening. I was truly growing accustomed to just enjoying my own company.

I felt free whenever I was with myself, away from the clutches of Leonardo and his callous attitude.

The broad grin on my face when Maya had told me Leonardo had to catch a flight to Australia was so wide that it could have torn my lips apart.

I felt so happy. I felt so free. The beast was no more around me. Even if it was just for a short period of time, I still felt extremely happy and I had this sudden freedom to do whatever I want.

I actually thought of running away but I realised the brute actually increased the security measures inside and outside the doors of his mansion.