Crystal's pale hands slowly tried moving across the sheets of her bed. But it was barred by a pain so excrutiating it caused her eyes to fly open in an instant.
Every part of her body was screaming pain. How did she come to feel so much pain?
It exploded within her skull, trying to suck her back into her shadowy abyss of darkness.
Her vision was blurry and her head seemed heavy. It spinned like a roller blade that had lost its control.
A beep accompanied by another beep was heard. She whopped her head to see the foreign device causing that noise she felt was annoying like a bug.
A shaky breath escaped Crystal's parted lips as her eyes locked with the various medical equipments that were placed like barriers next to her bed.
Intravenous injections were pierced into her rigid arms. She made another weak attempt to move but it felt like her joints were glued together, incapable of separating.