The Devil’s Kiss

“I’ll see you around,” Kyle mumbled as he turned to walk away.

He didn’t turn around to look back at me at all and I was glad that he didn’t because I didn’t want him to see the tears that were now slowly trickling down my face. I watched him leave in silence as the world around me started crumbling down. Of course, I was the only one who heard the loud crashing sound of my world breaking apart.

I looked up at the bleak sky and realized that it had started to snow. Who would have thought that the first snow of the season which I always found so beautiful could make me feel so lonely and empty inside like this. Unclenching my hands, I watched as small snowflakes fell down onto my cold palms. If Kyle was still with me, we would be watching the first snow of the season together arm in arm. I bit my lower lip as I continued to sob and cry.