Be His Girlfriend

No…he’s…too close…

His arm around my shoulder tightened around me as he pulled my body against his. My eyes widened in shock when I felt the warmth of his breath against my cheek. I didn’t even dare turn my face around to face him, knowing full well how close he was to me right now.

“You see…I’ve broken that golden rule before too…” he whispered directly into my ear.

His lips were so close to my ear that I could almost feel them brushing against my ear lobe. My body froze, I was completely stunned at his words.

Ace broke that rule too?!

I scooted away from him, and his arm willingly let me go. After putting enough space between us on the sofa, I turned to face him with my eyes still widened in shock. The way he said those words did not at all imply that he was engaged or is currently engaged in a proper relationship with simply one employee. Just how many girls has he been fooling around with in this company since he took over as CEO…or even before that?