Teasing the Beast

Finally, I had Ace’s shirt open at the front and I could feel him directly with my hands. His body felt much warmer to the touch now that I could touch his bare skin directly. I closed my eyes and relished in the feel of his muscles moving under the palm of my hands as he breathed in and out. Slowly, I traced my hand down from his chest to the beautifully formed muscles of his stomach. His six pack is so beautiful, I thought to myself as I admired his beautiful body as if it was a rare sculpture of art.

“If you stare too much, I’m going to start feeling shy…” Ace said teasingly.

“You? Shy?” I replied in pure disbelief before I smiled up teasingly at him.

I could never imagine someone like Ace feeling shy about anything at all. Why would he have to feel shy about this body? It’s so beautiful…

Ace took in a sharp breath as my hand progressed further down his abdominals. My eyes were already on my planned next destination as my hand slipped even further down.