Irresistible Seduction

“Hmm…” Ace moaned softly before the tip of his tongue began licking my neck.

“No…I’m so…sweaty…” I protested as I tried to push him away from me.

“You always smell and taste good,” Ace whispered huskily when his lips left my neck for a moment.

As if he wanted to get that point across, he boldly licked my neck before trailing small kisses down to my collar bone. When his tongue snaked out to lick and tease my collarbone, I moaned as my breathing quickened. His hands reached behind my back to unclasp my bra and his hands skillfully removed it from my arms and body.

“Ace…please…” I protested in a weak voice.

I hated myself and how weak I was against his art of seduction. I hated how my voice came out sounding so sweet and breathless like I was begging him for more rather than pleading for him to stop what he was doing to me.

“No…please…I’m so dirty right now…” I protested in embarrassment.