Inviting Him to Bed

I blushed wildly in the darkness at my own thought that it felt so comfortable to snuggle with him like this. Ace sighed softly and the way that his hand softly stroked the back of my head told me that he was enjoying this as well.

After a while of laying like that silently, I felt like I was about to drift off into sleep. Won’t we wake up with muscles aches or backpain if we slept the remaining of the night like this on the sofa in this position?

It didn’t seem like Ace was willing to let me go at all. A shameful thought occurred me and I spent a few minutes debating to myself on what to do with it.

If we’re going to be sleeping pressed up against each other like this for the remining of the night anyways, we might as well…

My train of thought was interrupted when Ace began placing small tender kisses against my neck before he trailed those kisses upwards to my cheek. His kisses were more playful than seductive, and I reacted by squirming in his arms.