Bold Admittance

“Wait, Ace. Who was that call from just now?” I asked as I tried to push him away from me.

My hands pressed flat against the firm muscles of his chest. His brown eyes looked down at me before his lips curved into a grin.

“My father,” he replied in short.

“Your father? As in the Chairman?” I asked in shock.

“That’s right. He wants to see me and so I’ve decided to bring you along to our main house,” Ace told me casually.

“Huh? Really?” I exclaimed in disbelief.

“Yes, but that’s in the afternoon so now until then…” Ace said before trailing off.

When I felt the heat of his breath against the soft skin of my neck, I had a very good idea what he had in mind. His warm and soft lips pressed against my neck as he kissed it tenderly. The tip of his tongue snaked out from between his lips and started licking the side of my neck as a moan escaped my lips.