Hidden Treasures

Ace was the trendsetter in the industry and the company had improved and grown so much since he took over as the CEO. Just like other celebrities, it wasn’t surprising that his earlier works are probably not as polished as it was today. However, that only made me want to see his earlier works more than ever.

Nowadays, Ace rarely produces any of his own independent work anymore. The role of CEO kept him busy and all the work that he led were major projects that involved many team members including myself such as Project Alpha. Although we worked with his guidelines and he made most of the key decisions, the work produced was a collective team effort with all of our thoughts blended in. For once, I wanted to see a work that purely came from Ace’s passion and genius.

I stared at his broad back in front of me as I followed him to the storage room as I pondered if he would understand something as vague as my own feelings if I tried to explain it to him.

Probably not.