Unfortunate Clash

“Why are you suddenly asking me this? Did something happen?” I asked in return.

“Nothing at all. I was just curious. It’s always good to evaluate how you feel about the job regularly and it’s been a few years since you started so I just thought that having a good reflection might be good for you too,” he replied before he smiled warmly at me.

“Thank you…for helping me reflect. I really like the job, so you don’t have to worry about me quitting anytime soon…” I replied followed by a teasing laugh.

“That’s good to hear. Retaining our top talents is also a big part of my job,” Ace replied simply.

“I see, Mr. CEO…” I replied teasingly.

Ace just grinned at me, but he didn’t say anything else. Silence crept up on us again, but the atmosphere was lighter than it was before. I flicked my tongue along my lower lip as I summoned my courage to bring up the issue with Elizabeth again.

“Ace…” I murmured softly.