Caught by Surprise

Ace took my hand just as the driver opened the car door for us. He helped me out of the car while I tried my best not to trip. I could feel the attention of the press on us as the large crowd of reporters and cameramen swarmed us like bees attracted to raw honey. The security team quickly came in to control them. It might just be me, but I felt like they were extra excited to see Ace.

After a lot of shouting from the crowd that was hard for me to pick up any coherent words, Ace seemed to give in and allowed for a short interview. I felt extremely uncomfortable, but I knew that I had to do as Ace had instructed. While smiling as politely as I could, I stood by Ace’s side as the reporters shoved their microphones closer to us. It was all thanks to the security guards that we still had some space to ourselves otherwise, I was certain that the reporters would have stepped right on us.