Unspoken Agreement

“Did you see a ghost or something, Karina?” Jeremy asked me teasingly.

“No. Why?” I replied.

“Your face is as white as a sheet. Please tell me that you found something useful…” he said hopefully.

“I did…I think…” I mumbled.

“Really? Show me…” he urged excitedly.

“I took some notes. I’ll show you tomorrow…” I mumbled.

“Why can’t you show me now? Are you in a hurry to head back?” he asked with clear disappointment.

“Yeah, I need to head back. Sorry…” I replied.

“What did you find exactly?” he asked as his eyes narrowed at me suspiciously.

He wouldn’t truly understand it even if I tried to explain it to him. I smiled a little regretfully at Jeremy before deciding to give him a simplified answer instead.

“A marketing plan…” I replied quite truthfully.