Hungry for Me

“No need. I’m just not hungry…” he replied.

“Are you sure?” I asked with worry.

“Yes, I’m sure…” he replied immediately.

“Are you stressed about something?” I asked with my best guess.

If it wasn’t the food, then it had to be his lack of appetite. I should have reached that conclusion the moment that I saw him staring out at the view of the city with a thoughtful look on his face. I wanted to know what he was thinking of and what seemed to be troubling him.

Was something not going well at work?

“Rina…” he called my name softly.

“Wait…” I murmured when I saw the world flip over.

I gasped when I felt the softness of the sofa against my back and then Ace loomed over me and blocked my field of vision. My heart began racing painfully fast in my chest when I saw the unmistakable look of desire in his hazel-brown eyes.

“Ace…” I whispered his name, and his hand began stroking the side of my thigh over my skirt.