Summoned by Ace

“I am sorry but regardless of what I think about this, I honestly don’t think that I can change Ace’s mind,” I confessed softly.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Of course, he might just leave you behind when all of this is over. However, if he cares for you, don’t you think that he’ll at least lend you an ear?” he asked suggestively.

I had nothing to say to that. The possibility of Ace simply just leaving me when he quit his position brought a throbbing pain to my chest. Just thinking about it hurt so badly that I couldn’t imagine how much it would actually hurt if it were to turn into reality. I knew at that moment that I needed to do something; however, I wasn’t sure what to do. The chairman probably thought that he was being very convincing, and he probably wasn’t wrong. However, I didn’t think that it would be wise for me to take any action without thinking things through.