Understanding Apology

“Can you just not meet her?” I blurted out asking before I could hold myself back.

It wasn’t like I regretted my words. In fact, I was thankful for that extra burst of courage that made me say those words out loud. Life would be so much better for me and for us if he could just stop meeting her or contacting her in any way.

“I can’t do that. She’s not that bad of a person when you really get to know her. She’s just…she can be mean and very calculating with her words,” Ace said with a little chuckle.

“You seem to adore her…and everything that she does,” I muttered darkly.

“Not at all. I give her a hard time too whenever she steps over the line. However, I figured that today would be a good practice for you. One day, you’ll be able to deal with people like her so effortlessly,” Ace said before flashing me a confident smile.