Pleasure and Rain

“Ahhh…” I let out a muffled cry and lifted my hips.

Ace’s fingers slid easily into my warm and wet hole as my legs loosened. I moaned his name before I spread my legs and thrusted my hips wantonly against his hand. His other hand moved to pump my breast before moving to pay extra loving attention to my nipples in turn.

“Your nipples are hard and your pussy is flooded, Rina…” Ace informed me as if I should be made well aware of that fact.

“No…please…” I whimpered weakly as I felt like I was about to lose my mind and drown in the desire that he was making me feel.

“Your body is basically begging me for it…” Ace murmured into my ear.

“Ahhh…” I moaned loudly when he began kissing my earlobe.