Where I Belong

My hand flew to cover my mouth as I jumped up from the sofa in my extreme shock. My phone continued vibrating as I gripped it tightly in my hands. For a moment, I was too stunned to know what to do. I cleared my throat as my eyes kept on staring at my phone screen in disbelief.

It felt like the rain clouds in the sky had finally parted after the havoc of a rainstorm and suddenly there was soft warm orange ray of lights shining down on me like a spotlight of blessing from above.

Ace was calling me!

“Ace! Where are you?!” I shouted into the phone so loudly that I was shocked at my more-than-little outburst.

“Rina, where are you right now?” Ace asked with clear urgency in his voice.

“I-I’m at your place. I’ve been waiting for you. I tried calling you so many times, but I couldn’t reach you…” I replied as my voice shook with emotion.