More Company

“Aren’t you going to take that? It could be important…” Ace said with a careless shrug.

“Can anything be more important than what we’re going to discuss?” his father snapped.

“Up to you…” Ace muttered like he couldn’t care less.

After shooting a glare at Ace, the Chairman sighed and stood up from his seat. With his phone in his hand, he exited the room to have a private conversation with the caller. I let out a long sigh when the door closed behind him, and I was left alone with Ace in the room.

“Well, I guess the real conversation can’t start until everyone is in the room…” Ace said before leaning back leisurely on the sofa.

“More people will be joining us?” I asked with widened eyes.

“Actually, you’re the last of us to arrive because there were things that I had to get sorted out first,” Ace replied.