Persistent Proposal

“Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to marry me right away,” Ace said before he laughed softly.

“That’s not…” I began denying but then realized that it was useless.

“Isn’t that what you’re worried about?” Ace asked before he grinned knowingly at me.

Just like he had told me countless times before, he really could read me like an open book.

“Sort of…” I admitted softly.

“I remember you mentioned that to me before. Don’t worry, I won’t propose to you right away because I’ll probably just get rejected,” Ace said before he laughed again.

“I see…” I mumbled.

“When the merger become public, at least, we don’t have to keep our relationship a secret anymore,” Ace said and the way that he smiled after saying that warmed my heart.

“That would be good…” I agreed with a genuine smile.

“You don’t sound so happy,” Ace pointed out.

“No, I’m very happy. It’s just…a little hard for me to believe. Sort of like, it’s too good to be true?” I said as I cocked my head slightly to the side.