A Troubled Friend

The sound of someone calling my name immediately caught my attention. I felt my heart race for a brief moment as excitement bubbled up inside of me. The feeling was only fleeting and was soon replaced by a sinking feeling when I realized that the voice that had just called my name did not belong to the man that I was yearning to see.

“Jeremy…why are you still here? Did work end late for you too?” I asked while trying to contain my sense of disappointment.

I tried to remind myself that it wasn’t his fault that he wasn’t Ace and that I should still treat him kindly despite my sour mood. While putting on a smile that I hoped looked natural, my mind was still thinking of reasons why Ace hadn’t replied to my text. Hopefully, the meeting went well, and I would hear some good news from Ace soon.

“Yup, we just managed to wrap things up. Are you done for the day?” he asked.

“Yes, I’m done…” I replied before reaching for the lip of my laptop and closing it.