Pleading Innocent

We were not meeting in the best of circumstances, but I guessed I had my bad luck and all the false rumors to thank for. After all, without them, I wouldn’t have had a chance to meet up with Ace like this.

“Why are you here?” I asked before I could stop myself.

It was true that I knew why he wanted or needed to talk to me, but it was another matter entirely for him to turn up right in front of my door. I began looking around and up and down the hallway anxiously in case anyone spotted us together. It seemed like luck was on our side because the hallway was empty save for our presence.

“Should we be talking here?” he asked before his lips turned up into a slight grin.

“Oh…please come in…” I quickly invited him in when I realized that it was risky to stay talking outside even if Ace was dressed up in a pretty decent disguise.