Trust in Ace

“Just trust me, Rina. Everything will be fine. I’ll be back in the office this evening…” Ace said, and I knew that he was quickly running out of time that he could spend with me on the phone.

He’s going to hang up soon and I couldn’t find a valid excuse to stop him from getting back to his work. Ace had asked me to trust him. Although I couldn’t bring myself to absolutely place my trust in Jeremy, I didn’t have an excuse for not placing my complete trust in Ace.

“I’ll be waiting for you in your office,” I replied simply.

“Thank you,” Ace said softly.

The line went dead, and my arm dropped down loosely like it had suddenly lost all strength. The mobile phone that I had in my hand suddenly felt so heavy, just like the burdens that I carried on my shoulders. After taking a few steps back toward my project room where Richard and loads of work was waiting for me, I suddenly decided to turn around and headed for the woman’s toilets instead to piece myself back together.