Acknowledgement and Support

“Congratulations! Wow! I’m not sure what to say…” I said as I felt a sense of overwhelming happiness.

“Let’s not celebrate too early. The announcement doesn’t happen until the day after tomorrow,” Ace said before winking at me.

The day after tomorrow?

“That soon?” I gasped in shock as my eyes widened.

Ace just grinned at me as if he had already anticipated that reaction from me. The news was a great one and one that I had been waiting for for quite a while now. Now things seemed to be progressing forward at such a fast pace that I was taken aback. The announcement of the merger would take place the day after tomorrow already and it just doesn’t feel real to me at all.

“Yup. Elizabeth and everyone involved have been working on it for a while so you can expect it to be great. Hopefully this will be good news for everyone,” Ace said while truly sounding hopeful.