Fuel to the Fire

The call was from Ace and the moment that I saw his name on the screen of my phone, I knew that he had somehow found out about the rumors that had been going around. Although he was no longer in the company, I guessed it wasn’t surprising that he could still find out what was going on.

“Ace…” I said as I answered the phone.

“You don’t sound so panicked,” Ace stared off by complimenting me.

“It’s not the first time but…how I wish it could be the last…” I replied before smiling weakly although I knew that he couldn’t see my face.

“I’m actually very impressed. You’re getting the hang of dealing with these things,” Ace said, and he did sound impressed.

“Thank you, I guess…” I replied before suppressing a sigh.

“Don’t sound so down. Hang in there and keep your chin up. You didn’t do anything wrong and none of this is your fault,” Ace reminded me reassuringly.