Deciding for Us

On top of the rumors that were already going around, Ace had to go and do something like that right in front of everyone at the company. I wondered if any of my colleagues whom I was close with had seen that but then I couldn’t bear to think about it anymore. My head throbbed and I still found it hard to believe that Ace would do something so outstandingly ridiculous.

“Right time for what? For you to show up with a little too many red roses?” I asked sarcastically.

“Now is the right time to tell the world about our relationship. Let’s just come out and let everyone know that we’re dating,” Ace replied like it was the most obvious thing that we should do.

“Are…Are you sure?” I asked as my heart thudded hard in my chest.

“Of course. What are we waiting for? Do you have any objections?” he asked as he turned to face me.