Same Yet Different

My entire body felt light and free at the end of the day as we sat close to each other where we could get a good view of the sunset. I was still finding it hard to believe that we were finally back here for another holiday of sorts. So far, our stay had been nothing short of amazing and the staff surely made sure that we had the privacy that we both needed.

“The sun is about to set…” Ace said softly to me.

“Yeah…it’s so beautiful…and it feels so peaceful…” I murmured in reply as I kept my eyes on the horizon.

Ace took my hand into his and held it loosely while I naturally leaned my head on his shoulder. We didn’t say anything more because it felt like nothing needed to be said. All we needed to do was relax and enjoy the breathtaking view that nature had to offer. The sun had dyed the sky a beautiful mix of orange and pink pastel hues.