Final Day

**Around a month later**

After making the decision to quit my job and move to work with Ace so that we could be closer to my mother, I submitted my resignation formally into the system. Given the thirty day notice period, that meant that I had one month left at my old job. That one month passed by in the blink of an eye with the many loose ends that I had to tie up.

“It’s going to be your last day here soon. I’m still finding it hard to believe,” Elizabeth said as she stared at me from her side of the table.

“I’m finding it hard to believe too. Thank you for your support and sorry for all the mess, I guess…” I said.

“Not at all. I’m happy that Ace seems to be happy. He’s off doing something of his own now and you’re about to join him,” she said without much excitement.

“You’re running this big empire,” I pointed out.

“Things are so busy, and I’ve lost quite a few good people,” she said before rolling her eyes.