Private Celebration

“Don’t faint, Rina,” Ace warned me playfully.

That was when I realized that Ace was still on one knee. I quickly tugged on his arm with both my hands to urge him to get back up on his feet.

“You should get up,” I said as I pulled on his arm.

“Thank you, Rina,” Ace thanked me.

“It’s not a problem…” I replied shyly.

Ace continued to hold my hand even when he was up on his feet. He was standing so close to me, and I could feel his eyes on my face. We were acting so casually with each other up until not so long ago, so I wasn’t sure why I suddenly felt so shy and aware of his presence close to me. I could no longer meet his eyes.

“I meant, thank you for agreeing to marry me, Rina,” Ace said.

“Ace…” I whispered his name as I felt warm emotions bubbling up deep inside my chest.