The End - True Love

Almost immediately after Aiden was born, we were urged to move back to the city where Aiden could be raised in Ace’s family estate with an army of servants at his service. Naturally, I was against the idea right from the start. Surprisingly, Ace was even more against the idea and made sure that we were not disturbed as we continued to raise our young baby in the comfort of our own home. My mother moved into the house with us to help take care of baby Aiden.

Ace fell in love with being a father and couldn’t wait to expand our family even further. Just when Aiden turned one year old, we began another baby-making project which resulted in another pregnancy not so long after. Roughly nine months later, Aiden became a big brother to baby Katie. Having two children to take care of increased our fun exponentially. By that time, we had our hands really full with the children and struggled to keep up with work at the office.