Clandestine Meeting

Fifteen winners were selected from the people who took part in the preliminaries. The girl who was part of the Zhou Clan was one of the winners. After the preliminaries, the Zhou Clan’s branch head asked everyone who would be taking part in the tournament to travel down to the arena floor.

Wu Jian stood among the crowd of forty-five contestants. There were a lot more people this year than there had been last time. Ten were from his Wu Clan, but there were also ten from the Juishi Clan and another ten from the Ming Clan. The other fifteen, including the girl from the Zhou Clan, made up the remaining forty-five.

Standing on either side of Wu Jian was Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu, and a little further from them was Ming Shen and his group. He could feel the older boy glaring holes into the back of his head. Wu Jian did his best to ignore the glare and focus on what the Zhou Clan branch head was saying.