First Kill

Wu Meiying was doing excellent. She wove around her opponent’s attacks as if she knew what would happen before her enemy did, then launched several swift strikes to his torso. None of her attacks seemed to really hurt the man. He continued swinging his jian at her with all his strength, but as the seconds passed, his strength soon began to wane.

Wu Jian understood why.

While none of Wu Meiying’s attacks did much damage on their own, each punch hit the same area. The damage was accumulating. One ant bite might not hurt too much, but what about a hundred ant bites? A thousand? It would eventually add up.

The man’s swings became sluggish. Wu Meiying sidestepped the last attack, grabbed his outstretched arm, and used his own weight to throw him to the ground. As the man gasped and wheezed for breath, she struck him in the temple with a hard kick that rendered him unconscious.