Even though he had heard that Dahua City was larger than Zahn City, it was hard for Wu Jian to picture what that meant until he actually saw it, but he was stunned when he did.
The city was huge.
He looked out the window of the carriage and stared in awe at the buildings that were several stories high. Zahn City’s largest building was the Auction House, but all of the buildings here were at least the same size as the Auction House, and quite a few were even larger.
They passed a pagoda just then. He tilted his head to stare up at it. The towering construct with at least seven levels rose into the sky like a goliath. Arrayed around it were several smaller buildings, but that was a relative term since each building was larger than the largest buildings in Zahn City.
It was also very lively. The wide street was paved with brick and so many people tread upon it. A sea of heads filled his vision with a cornucopia of color.