Back at Square One

Wu Jian woke up some time later. As he opened the shutters to his bedroom, he gazed upon the evening sun and realized he had probably missed dinner… though whether that even mattered in their situation was another issue entirely. Did they even have enough food left to feed everyone?

Our supplies are running low. That includes food. How many more days can we survive like this? Well, I suppose it won’t matter soon.

He decided to forego any exercise, but he didn’t neglect to stretch his body. It was important to remain limber. Standing straight, he breathed in, then lowered his torso and breathed out, extending his hands to touch his toes. He held the pose for ten seconds before standing back up. Then he held a different pose to stretch the muscles in his quadruceps.

As he was going through his stretches, a knock sounded at the door.

“Little Jian? Are you asleep?”

“I’m awake, Mother. Please, come in.”