A Tearful Goodbye

Wu Jian and Wu Meiying stood in front of the Wu Clan compound’s gate, facing Hou Jingshu, who looked emotionally torn as she stood before a carriage with the emblem of the Shang Kingdom. The carriage was a work of art, but Wu Jian hardly spared it a glance. He was focused only on the girl before him.

Hou Jingshu’s eyes were red and puffy. It looked like she had been crying, or was about to cry, but he didn’t dare say anything because doing so might make him cry.

“I guess… this is goodbye for now, huh?” He tried his best to smile. “I hope… I hope your father gets better, and that you can return soon.”

“Thank you. I hope for that as well,” Hou Jingshu mumbled, looking at the ground.

Wu Jian almost flinched. Someone he loved was leaving. Was this really all he could say? He should have been able to say something, anything to make her feel at least a little better.

Come on! I need to comfort her somehow!