“Wu Jian, listen to me. Don’t move from that spot. You got it?” said Wu Meiying.
He looked up at the woman, whose eyes were now cold and devoid of emotion.
“I…” he tried to say something, but his throat had closed up. No words came to him. What could he even say in this situation?
Wu Meiying darted forward, running low to the ground to increase her speed, and attacked the man with a palm thrust to the chest. It was blocked by a forearm. She grunted and released an explosion of chi that sent this person stumbling back. An attack from a cultivator of her level would have normally never moved someone several realms above her, but her opponent was already suffering grievous injuries.
Despite being hurt, the man had enough mental acuity to attack. Wu Meiying released a grunt of pain as her opponent’s foot slammed into her torso. She managed to divert a good portion of the force by moving her body with the blow, but she was clearly not strong or fast enough to fully avoid injury.