Many thoughts ran through Wu Jian’s head, but the one at the forefront of his mind was the knowledge that he could not fight against this person. He would surely die if he even attempted to.
“So what if I am?” asked Wu Jian. His mind raced a mile a minute as he tried to think of a way out of this mess.
“You’ve got a pretty big pair on you. Do you know who I am? I’m the master of the Raging Boars, and the Raging Boars is the most powerful sect in Chenhou. We’re connected to Wind-Lightning Pavilion. Do you know what that is, brat? It’s one of the Four Great Pavilions of the MIng Dynasty. Going against them is like fighting a dragon.”
The man spoke in a gruff voice, but he was pretty well-spoken for someone who looked like a typical bandit. His outfit was made of thick furs, no doubt taken from the magical beasts in this forest. It reminded him of the mercenaries he had fought when he was younger.