Wu Jian sat alongside Xing Zhenya, Gao Zhou, and Huǒ Shuchang. It was still morning, but the sun had now risen and was making its way west.
“Are you sure antagonizing Mao Yuhan like this is a good idea?” asked Xing Zhenya.
“Do you have any better ideas?” Huǒ Shuchang asked with a raised eyebrow.
Xing Zhenya looked away. “Well… no, but this doesn’t seem like a very good idea.”
“We can’t just sit here, doing nothing. We’ll never defeat Mao Yuhan that way,” Wu Jian stated. “This plan might not be the best, but it’s the one that has the greatest chance of success with the limited firepower we have.” He drew several figured in the ground as though to explain his plan visually. “Luring Mao Yuhan into the Magical Beast Forest gives us a greater range of options. We can also avoid dealing collateral damage to the surrounding buildings. I don’t want innocent civilians getting caught up in this battle.”
Xing Zhenya bit her lip for a moment. “Those are all good points, I guess.”