Wu Jian felt like he was dying. He had severely underestimated how brutal the Qing Desert was.
Vast dunes of sand stretched out for hundreds of lî in all directions, and each dune looked the same as any other, making it impossible for him to tell if they were even heading in the right directions.
The sun beat down on him from overhead. However, he had long since sweated out all the water in his body. He felt like meat that had been left to rot in the sun. Even the long cloak he wore to protect himself from the heat’s rays did not help.
“Huǒ Shuchang… are you sure… we’re traveling in the right direction?” he asked his companion.
Unlike Wu Jian, who thought he might die if they walked another step, Huǒ Shuchang looked like a fresh spring daisy. The heat didn’t bother him at all. That was due to his cultivation method, which was a powerful fire based method that let him absorb, control, and release flames. If anything, this sunbaked landscape was beneficial to his cultivation.