The Inn

Wu Jian grimaced at the cost, which was akin to daylight robbery, but he understood why the price was so high. The tournament was taking place right now and people were desperate for hotel rooms. Unless you wanted to sleep under the stars, you had no choice but to pay the atrociously overpriced inn fees.

“How long is the tournament?” asked Huǒ Shuchang.

“It normally lasts seven days. Shall I put you down for that?”

“Go ahead.”

“Okay. Seven days will be fourteen hundred silver coins, or fourteen gold coins.”

“Here’s one spirit coin and four gold coins.”

“That works! All right. I’ve got you both down. Our staff is currently cleaning that room, so why don’t you two head into the tavern and get something to eat? This pass will let the waiters know you’re a guest staying at our inn.”

The girl gave Huǒ Shuchang a triangle-shaped wooden token painted gold. The image of a tiger was embedded into the token.

“We’ll do that. Thank you,” said Huǒ Shuchang.