Being Watched

“Don’t look now, but someone is watching us,” Wu Yong said in a hushed voice.


“Across the table to your right.”

Hou Jingshu was unable to stop herself from looking in that direction. Five dirty men dressed in skimpy clothing unbefitting sailors sneered at her. She almost shivered in revulsion when she saw the way they licked their chops like they were looking at a delicious meal.

She turned away from them and looked at her companions. “Pirates?”

“Most likely,” Zheng Yawen answered. “I imagine they are slave traders too. There’s a good chance they will attack our vessel after we set out for sea.”

Hou Jingshu frowned. She did not want to be attacked at sea. Not only did she lack experience sailing the ocean, but she lacked ocean combat experience too. Fighting pirates on their home turf was not something she wanted to do.

“Let’s kill them now,” she said.

“Uh… you are aware that these five are just a reconnaissance force, right?” asked Wu Yong.