
The deeper they traveled into the sect ruins, the less like a sect it began to look. Hallways that looked like they had once belonged above ground lay half-collapsed, brick wall shifting to sediment. Several areas had piled up with sand that made them impassable. Wu Jian and the others were forced to backtrack several times.

“It looks like this place was demolished,” Huǒ Shuchang said as he looked around.

Hou Jingshu shrugged. “Don’t forget this place was destroyed when several other powerful sects combined forces to attack it. I’m certain much of the damage done here was from that.”

“I don’t know. I think this place might be damaged from disuse,” Wu Jian said as he ran a hand over the wall. “It doesn’t look like damage done from techniques or battle. There’s a good chance this place escaped the fighting unscathed, but thousands of years of disuse have caused it to become like this.”

“Well, maybe,” Hou Jingshu said with a shrug.