Hou Jingshu’s heart was hammering in her chest. She had been trying to come up with a way to ask Jian Wu if he wanted to accompany her back to the Shang Kingdom, but she never in a million years expected him to be the one who asked her if he could tag along. She was both excited and inexplicably nervous.
“You want to come with us? Really?” she asked.
Jian Wu nodded. “I’ve been thinking about it. I was born in the Shang Kingdom, and it sounds like there’s unrest in the kingdom. I’d feel bad about traipsing around the continent when my homeland is in trouble.”
“Is… is that the only reason?” Hou Jingshu felt disappointed for some reason. She didn’t know why. She was the country's princess, so she should be happy that he was so loyal to it, yet all she felt was a strange sadness.
“It’s not the only reason,” he admitted, shrugging, “But I’m not comfortable sharing my other reasons.”