“Wu Jian would never be mad at you. That’s impossible,” he said with such certainty that she was taken aback.
“Thank you for saying that… but there’s no way for you to know how he would feel.” Hou Jingshu hugged herself. “If I were the one who had been left behind, I know I would resent Wu Jian. He must have hated me toward the end. I abandoned him. I wasn’t there when he needed me the most.”
Her honest thoughts sprang forth without consent and tears began leaking from her eyes. She had always felt incredibly guilty over all of this. It wasn’t the Wu Clan’s destruction that truly upset her, but the fact that she had not been there when it happened. She didn’t even care if she died alongside of Wu Jian and Wu Meiying that night. She just wanted to be there with them, to let them know they were not alone.