Wu Jian ended up climbing out the window, which was terrifying. A single glance down was enough to reveal how high up they were. The ground looked like a vast stretch of land, the trees like specks in the distance. He would die if he fell. It was enough to make him sweat.
He climbed up the surface, which was smooth enough that he worried about slipping, and eventually reached the rail. Wu Jian peeked out to make sure no one was there before climbing onto the deck. This particular sections of the deck looked to be relatively unused, which was good. The Captain’s Cabin was right underneath it. Anyone passing would have questioned what he was doing if they saw him.
“What are you doing?”
Wu Jian nearly slipped when he spun around to face the person behind him. He took several deep breaths and adjusted his mask because it had slid slightly off his face. The last thing he needed was for this person to recognize him.