All a Father Wants is for His Daughter to be Happy

She shook her head as she reached a large door guarded by a pair of peak Asura Realm cultivators. They tapped their halberds against the ground as she approached.

“Welcome, Your Highness.”

“Hello, is Father awake?”

“He is. Please, go inside.”

“Thank you.”

The guards opened the door and Hou Jingshu stepped inside. Her father was indeed awake. He sat up with the aid of several pillows. It appeared he had been looking out the window, but he turned to her and smiled as she walked over.

“My daughter, you have been gone for a long time. Come. Sit.”

“Father… I’m glad to see you’re awake.”

“And yet you still look so sad.”

“That’s because you still look awful.”

“Still as blunt as ever.”