Selling Pills, Part III

Zhou Lihua snapped her fan shut and let it come to rest against her palm. “Now… I have 40 boxes of Meridian Opening Pills and Middle-Grade Chi Gathering Pills. Since these pills work best when paired together, I will sell both at the same time. The ingredients to refine these were quite hard to come by, so rather than simply selling them, I will auction them off. The starting price for one box of both pills will be thirty thousand spirit coins.”

Wu Jian almost gaped at the cost, which was half of what the Yang Fire Flower went for. This almost seemed like daylight robbery to him. At least, it was until he remembered that pills were even more valuable than ingredients. Ingredients could be quite valuable, but they were useless in the hands of a normal person. On the other hand, a pill was something a normal cultivator could use. They just had to swallow it and start cultivating.

“Thirty one thousand spirit coins!”

“Thirty two thousand!”