The other students’ testing did not last nearly as long nor were they as fierce as when Wu Jian fought Yu Chuanguang. Yong Hai had done decently well in his sparring bout. He had seemed rather determined. Wu Jian wondered if maybe seeing his spar had lit a fire under his bum. The young master of the Yong Family seemed like the kind of person who hated losing.
Once every person had been tested with a sparring match, the instructors and Yu Chuanguang had congratulated them.
“You have all done well. Do not worry. From here on out, the Shang Kingdom Imperial Academy will ensure that you gain the strength to defend your family and your nation.” He paused here. “Now, look at your tablets. The number on them should have changed.”
Wu Jian and everyone else glanced at their tablets to find that, indeed, the number was now different. His said 2 325. He looked back up just as Yu Chuanguang began explaining.